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4 Signs You Need to Hire a Team for Pest Control Services

May 10, 2024

Home maintenance includes pest control. If you ignore your pest control needs, you could face an infestation that damages your home and health. There are several signs that indicate you need to hire pest control services. Let’s look at four of these signs.

1. Moving Into a New House

If you’re moving into a new house, you may be unaware of what types of pest issues may be hiding. The previous owner should have disclosed information about pest problems, but some hidden issues will make themselves known after you move in. If you don’t want to risk nasty surprises in your new house, schedule pest services to inspect the house first. These professionals will tell you if there are any infestations, or for which infestations you might be at risk.

2. Visible Infestations

Another reason to hire pest control services is if you have a visible infestation. This includes mice, roaches, ants, spiders, termites, and other pests. Once you start seeing these critters, there are plenty more hiding in areas you can't see. Seek out pest services quickly to stop the infestation before it creates further issues.

3. Allergies

If someone in your home has an allergy to a certain pest, seek out specific treatments for that animal. Exposure to allergy-causing pests can cause dangerous health conditions in those who have suppressed immune systems. Preventative treatments can stop any infestation before it occurs.

4. Pets

If you have pets, you should be aware of the certain types of pests that pose a threat. These include fleas and ticks. Have your entire property treated to reduce the risk of your pet being exposed to these dangerous disease-carrying pests. Also, consider treatments used on pets to prevent attracting insects as you are out and about.

These are just a few reasons you might want to hire pest control services. The pest control market is expected to grow by $7 billion by 2026, according to Cleango. In this booming market, it's more important than ever that your home and family are receiving the attention and care they need. Contact Sand Mountain Pest Management today for free estimates and same-day emergency services. Our experienced team has been treating infestations successfully since 1996, so you can feel confident we can help.

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